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Meet Rob Roberts

July 17, 2023


Benelli: How long have you been associated with Benelli and what does it mean to you? 

15+ years.  I love being partnered with finest shotgun company and the great folks that work there. I have been shooting Benelli shotguns since they were first introduced to US. I actually won one in a poker game from a guy that owned a gun business himself. Dates elude me but I believe it was in the early 90s.  I still have the gun and it has thousands of rounds through it. 


Benelli: How long have you been hunting or shooting and what got you into this sport? 

I am 61yrs old and was given my first shotgun when I was 6yrs old, so at least 55 years. 

I was born with a passion to shoot things and loved playing Army against Cats with a BB gun.  I still do. 


Benelli: If you could only have one Benelli firearm, what would it be and why?

I shoot M2s for most of my hunting.  The gun fits me and gun fit is very important to accuracy and recoil. I have several other models and love them all but my favorite is the M2s. 


Benelli: What is your career highlight or achievement? 

Staying alive this long. Not much of a career highlight but it dang sure has been achievement!  


Benelli: What is your favorite hobby, other than hunting or shooting?



Benelli: Who was the childhood idol that led you into the hunting or shooting industry?

Not as much of a person but actually Sears Christmas Catalogs. I spent lots of time back in those old days looking at guns and scopes and seeing pictures of them being used on safari hunts etc.  Just pictures but it made me want a rifle with huge scopes and shotguns for everything else.  Those dreams came true. 


Benelli: What advice would you give those who want to be professional hunters or shooters?

First thing. Learn to become the best squirrel hunter around.  Learn to be a woodsman and then shoot every chance you get.  


Benelli: Tell us about a moment that you feel was a positive turning point in getting into the hunting/shooting industry?

Seeing other gun manufacturers and gun companies copying some of the stuff that we do. 


Benelli: If you could hunt or shoot with one person, who would it be and why?

Not sure of who it would be but they better be quiet. 


Benelli: What goals do you have as a hunting or shooting ambassador?

Help share into the love of the sport and also do what I can to help keep the hunting and shooting world thriving.  


Benelli: If you had to switch professions from hunting or shooting, what would it be and why? 

I am not switching.  Haha. 


Benelli: Coldest / most miserable place you’ve ever been while hunting? Was it “successful” though?

Whitetail hunting Northern Missouri. Spent a week in high winds and single digit regular temps.  Was not hunting in heated blinds either.  Surviving to tell the stories was the real success. 


Benelli: What was your first firearm and how did you get it? Do you still have it?

Stevens .410 with .22 top barrel.  My Grand Dad bought it for me when I was 6 years old and yes I still have it. 


Benelli: What is your favorite wild-game dish?

Gator tail and Frog legs


Benelli: What’s your favorite T.V. show and why? What show did you like as a kid?

Andy Griffith Show. I still watch it daily. 


Benelli: What is your favorite food? 

Deer with buttered potatoes, macaroni and cheese (not out of a box), biscuits and white gravy. 


Benelli: Rapid-fire:

Physical Strength or Mental Strength?



Time travel: into the past or into the future?



Cannonball into a pool or dip toe in first?



Sleep in or Nap?



Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee?

Chuck Norris


Pineapple Pizza or Candy Corn?



Ketchup or Ranch?



Funny story or one-liner?

One liner


Air guitar or air drums?



Apple or Android?



Loud neighbors or Nosey neighbors?

Prefer no neighbors


Beer or Bourbon?




Benelli: What are the three least-likely words that someone would use to describe you?

Shy, timid and quiet


Benelli: How is your radio tuned? Country, Rock, Rap, Oldies? Any guilty pleasures?

Country and Southern Rock


Benelli: What is your favorite Holiday and why?

Christmas.  I love going broke! But I do enjoy giving. 


Benelli: What is your favorite movie of all time and why?

Godfather 1 & 2

They conducted business. 


Benelli: What is one subject you would like to learn more about?


Rob roberts
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